Sunday, January 23, 2011

MadMen Poster Design

For this poster i wanted to emulate the old movie posters of the 60's, which was the time period in which the show takes place. By showing Don Draper as an accumulated shadow caste over the other characters I hoped to illustrate his enigmatic and mysterious side and more obviously to illustrate the large shadow he caste over most everyone in his life.

For this poster I wanted to focus specifically on the upcoming fifth season that would speak to people who are already familiar with the show. Assuming that the recent loss of SCDP (sterling cooper draper pryce) 's Lucky Strike account was going to effect them in a big way in the 5th season I illustrated a snubbed out cigarette as a visual metaphor for that loss. I also included the number 5 in the smoke just to further bring home the point that it's the fifth season.